As I type this, it doesn’t even feel real. Like, is this real life for us? Midland has been home to us for almost 5 years, and we are so comfortable here. Although, being in the Oil & Gas industry, we know that moves, layoffs, promotions, are all part of the ride. We moved to Midland from San Antonio for Colt to accept a promotion. I was sad at the time, but everyone told me I would fall in love with Midland and make life long friendships. Our Realtor said “you cry when you move here, but you will cry when you leave.” That statement couldn’t be more true. I was sad to come, and now I am even sadder to leave. With that being said, I am also excited to announce that we have been blessed with another opportunity and another building block for Colt’s career. WE ARE MOVING TO HOUSTON!!!! The Woodlands, specifically. As sad as we are to leave the amazing friends and people of west Texas, we are so excited for this new adventure for our family. Colt deserves every opportunity he has been given, and I gladly support him, even if it means rushing to sell and pack our house while pregnant. 🙂 Midland was the perfect move for us 5 years ago, and it has been an incredible part of our journey as a family. As much as we love it here, there was always something missing for me. Being so far from family and what we love? Maybe. Wanting a bigger city with more opportunity for me? Possibly. I will never know, but what I do know is Midland will always feel like home. I know this house is just bricks, but it will always be “ours.” Our house that we brought our baby boy home to. The house that I spent weekends in, wondering if I’d ever meet friends to have girls night with. And oh boy, did I meet some friends. Some damn good ones, too! I have been blessed with knowing some of the nicest, most genuine people I will ever meet. People are right about west Texas, you won’t find nicer people. Don’t believe me? Try to find some, and I guarantee, you’ll fail. 😉 West Texas welcomed us with open arms, and we are forever grateful.
Ok, now that I’m crying, I’ll wrap it up! HAHA Typing this while hormonal and pregnant isn’t ideal! :)
With the baby coming in August, we are rushing to get our house ready to sell, so we can get settled in Houston. Not going to lie, it has been a stressful few weeks! I am a glorified hoarder and have SO much stuff! Clothes, makeup, party decorations, you name it, I keep it! I am trying my best to hurry things along, all while staying calm and relaxed for the baby. Easier said than done, for sure! If I’m absent on social media, or can’t respond to a message, just know that I’m probably knee deep in a box packing up our precious memories.
Sadness aside, I AM SO EXCITED for this new chapter. Excited for the career opportunities that living in a big city will bring me. Excited for the opportunities my children will have, that they otherwise wouldn’t have access to living in a smaller town. Its going to be a wild ride, and I’ll have to make all new friends!! Any Houston gals out there like to have a good time and want to be my friend??? I’ll bring the wine.
I’m so happy for y’all!!! And so excited that you’re going to be so much closer!!!
Just moved back to houston for my husbands job too! Lived in and loved the woodlands!!! Y’all will love it!!!